HDsentinel for Linux – Check Hard Disk Health and Temperature

Download and Install HDSentinel for Linux

HDsentinel is one of the easiest tool to get the status about your hard disk Health. Just download the tool from below location and run it. Instantly you will get the status about your hard disk. This tool will not be installed on the server, It will fetch the details instantly  from the server. if you want to check the status once again then you have to run ./HDsentinel again.

For 64-Bit,

wget http://www.hdsentinel.com/hdslin/hdsentinel_008_x64.zip
unzip hdsentinel_008_x64.zip ; chmod +x HDSentinel ; ./HDSentinel

For 32-bit,

wget http://www.hdsentinel.com/hdslin/hdsentinel_008.zip
unzip hdsentinel_008.zip ; chmod +x HDSentinel ; ./HDSentinel


wget http://gnutoolbox.com/download/linux/hdd/hdsentinel.gz
gunzip -d hdsentinel.gz ; chmod +x hdsentinel ; ./hdsentinel



/lib/ld-linux.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory


yum install glibc.i686


Thank you 🙂